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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

P90X3 Week 1 Day 2 ---- Agility X

P90X3 Week 1 Day 2 ---- Agility X

Todays workout is brought to you by P90X3 and Agility X!

What is P90X3?

Thought I would share some result photos for P90X3 to give some inspiration.

Results in 90 days via 30 minutes

I am hoping to be able to share my results to you and be like these fine folks above, at least I will get my free T-Shirt and a chance to win some cash in the Beachbody challenge.


Results from Yesterday

Sore is alright, pain is not.
Yesterday was the total body workout, while I didn't feel weak all day, my abs were thanking me for working them out all day.  I also felt rather hungry all day, but a was grazing so that may have been a part of it, definitely need to check the calories and ensure I am feeding the machine as needed and not over feeding.  Diet starts the weight loss....Other than that I felt very good all day.  The weather brought extreme cold today, schools were cancelled and I took advantage and slept a little extra.  Since I didn't have my normal hour to wake up before working out, I did the "Cold Start" which is recommended in the guide.  It was 5 mins of waking the body up and stretching before jumping into the workout.  First stretch reminded me that yesterday was a workout, just a bit sore, but nothing I couldn't work through.

Agility X

Today is called Agility X, it was a lot of footwork and reminded my of the Plyometric workouts, as there was some jumping and explosive movements involved.  Equipment needed was tape, yes tape.  In the intro DVD it explains the measurements, but it is a must.  I thought I could get away with a towel and imagination, but tape made the guess work gone.  You place two strips on the floor, each gets an X three times, middle and each ends.  This gets you to target some places and will make sense when you do it.  Example was a lunge, we did lunges to the marks....when you are tired you will not go to the mark, so it is there for you to see that you have the range of motion needed.  It was a little harder and took some additional cardio, but it was doable today.  The three work out partners he had were fun today, one guy was a beast and just non stop, the other made me feel good, he was sucking wind right there with me, almost at the same time as I was and the lady was comedy, she made some of the moves fun and I found myself laughing at times.  The program always has three workout partners with Tony Horton, one is a modifier to show what you need to do if you are dog tired or unable to do the move, then the other two are there to keep you motivated and feel like you are not alone in the work, because it is work.


Hydration is a big thing lately, everyone is saying you need to drink half your body weight everyday.  I tried that yesterday and let me tell you the water did not stay for long.  I might as well drank a glass in the bathroom because I hit my full level.  It did help with the soreness and I do feel better, today was not so much water do to traveling and talking most of the day, but I got about half what I needed to intake, so we will see what tomorrow brings. Still did my Shakeology and E&E, diet was good and I am feeling great!

We’ve got the magic formula…Nutrition + Fitness + Small Group Support = Success, because TOGETHER we will change our Health, Fitness and Lives!

Beachbody Challenge
The Magic Formula for Success

Steve Szeszko
Your Beachbody Coach

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