Feel free to look into my window

Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.


This is my personal blog and is written and edited my yours truly (me, Steven Szeszko). As you may have already guessed, any links found within my blog are likely affiliate links (let’s just assume they’re all affiliate links unless otherwise mentioned :-) ). That means that I earn a commission if you purchase a service or product as a result of clicking that link. I’m sure you understand since that is how I make my money to pay the mortgage, grocery bills, etc.

I may offer other paid advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, or receive other forms of compensation through my blog. The compensation that I get may influence the topic, posts, advertising content, or anything else within my blog. It may not always be identified as sponsored or paid content. Also, I may be compensated to give my review on products, services, websites and various other topics. Despite me getting compensated for my advertisements, posts, etc. I will always give my honest opinions, feelings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics.

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