Feel free to look into my window

Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.

Friday, January 10, 2014

P90X3 Journey Day 5

P90X3 Week 1 Day 5 - CVX

Today's workout was CVX, supper cool workout with weights, took a video to share a bit of it to show what the moves look like and sound like.

CVX Review

I loved today's workout, 30 minutes of good sweat and I really felt the effects.  Started sore from yesterdays push up and pull up routine, so today was nice to get the lactic acid moving and the muscles back to work.  I started off way, way to heavy on the weights...I picked 10 lbs. and quickly knew I needed to drop to 5 lbs. if I wanted to complete the workout.  A lot of jumping and moving, abs and legs with the dumbbell to keep you honest.  Overall I thought it was great, still feeling it tonight and we will see about tomorrow.

Burnout Round

At the end of the workout the last 2-3 minutes is a burnout round, maximum effort for 30 seconds.  Today was no different, here is a video...keep in mind I am tired and it was after I already did the workout, that I went back to shoot this so it is burnout times two!

The After Effects

I am quickly learning that the time is compressed, but the work is too.  You really get a lot in in these 30 minutes, Tony comments about hitting the pause button at times, I may just need to take him up on that sometime.  I am really feeling drained at the end of the workouts, but Shakeology, is a great post fuel and gets me going a I also like the snacking during the day, I do feel hungry and the calorie deficit must be kicking in, good smart meal choices are where I am going, not so much a diet, but smart choices on what and when something goes into the system.

There is a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee which means if your not completely satisfied and noticed changes in that short period of time, they will refund you the money back regardless of how much is left in the bag.

Lastly, by ordering Shakeology through this blog, you will get me as your personal Beachbody Coach (the best Beachbody Coach there is :-) )! I want to see you accomplish all of your fitness and health goals. I will be a valuable free resource during your fitness and health journey. Don’t wait another second…order Shakeology now!

Steve Szeszko
Your Beachbody Coach

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