Feel free to look into my window

Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

P90X3 Journey Week 1 Day 6 --- The Warrior

Week 1 Day 6 -- The Warrior

Today's workout was a homage to the men and women in uniform, Our Nation's Hero's!  This is the workout Tony takes to the Base, Post, Stations, Aircraft carriers, around the world and it is no joke.  I have done this first hand on a Aircraft Carrier.  It is a killer workout that will make you appreciate yourself even more.

Come Join My Team

The Warrior Workout

The Warrior Sheet
Today is Day 6, the Warrior workout is a nonstop no joke, total body workout!  You have 5 sets of upper body, cardio, legs, abs and repeat.  I enjoyed it, I did pause it half way through to catch my breath, as I felt my form failing.  You need to have form, that is what gets you through the workout injury free and safe.  Better to do less with good form, than to do more with bad form and put your body at risk.  I thought that some of the ab workouts will come with time and the cardio was just about right.  The soreness is still there from this week, which caused some quicker fatigue than I was expecting, but overall I thought I did well and got my 30 minutes worth rather quickly and I have the wet t-shirt to prove the work! 

What got me out of bed today

I am going to be honest with you, I started this workout program on a Monday, making today a Saturday.  I was happy to stay in bed and think about the sore muscles in my body and how I could spend time with the girls rather than working out, but I didn't stay in bed.  Instead I set the alarm to get up prior to them and workout, why?  My motivation, as silly as it sounds, is the online private Facebook group I am a part of.  We have 12 of us all started on the same day , doing these workouts and they are going to get up and moving today so I got up and moving today.  Guilt, sense of team, what ever you call it, I got out of bed today for my 11 team mates that are getting out of bed today too.  That is one of the things I enjoy about the Beachbody experience, I have groups starting all the time, and you get what you put in, let them know you are working and they will let you know they are too.  Want to be a part of the Force Fitness Team and workout with others virtually, but still be accountable?  Let me know, I would love to help you be your coach....For FREE



I read an article in Runner's World Magazine, on how do you know you are a runner.  It said it is by the pile of clothes in the corner, I am definitely finding an increase in laundry with these workouts.  I don't want to toss the sweaty clothes in the hamper and my wife is tired of moving them to take a shower, so my pile is growing and the laundry is being done more frequently.

Bringing it to the Troops

In the DVD Tony Horton talks about taking it to the troops and how he is traveling a lot, this workout had a few of his friends that went along with him to some bases.  Most people think it is not true, that he does not travel as much, well....he does!  He is a huge supporter of us military members, yes I am in the Air Force, and he comes to hold FREE workout with us often and then tours the base to see those that were not able to get off to come see him.  He is a personable guy and is never afraid to back off a challenge, I don't know how many push up challenges I have seen him go head to head with a person , back to back...he is always smiling and saying thank you. 

Come join Team Beachbody, it is free and you can get some great advice on fitness, nutrition and support on your journey...what do you have to lose, its FREE!  Go to www.beachbodycoach.com/SZESZKO to sign up today, what are you waiting for....go....its free.....your still reading?  click it, I double dog dare you!


Steve Szeszko
Your Beachbody Coach

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