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Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Beachbody Challenge

Beachbody Challenge

Every month I start a Beachbody Challenge, so what is a Beachbody Challenge and what do you get when you join one of my Beachbody Challenges?  Well here it is in a nutshell, you get a chance to:

  • Change Your Health
  • Change Your Fitness
  • Change Your Life
But first a quick video that I enjoy:

Thanks for visiting! Make sure to sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody Account to get support, to help keep you motivated, and to gain access to free tools to keep you on track with your fitness & health goals!

Change Your Health

You have heard the term you are what you eat, right?  Well did you know that your body will recreate itself every year?  Your skin, muscles, organs, all the cells regenerate themselves, your body is in a constant state of degenerating and regenerating.  Now where does it get the body get the items need to re-create itself?  The raw materials needed to construct new skin cells, brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells, new blood and even a new heart?  You guessed it, your food intake!  So are you looking to rebuild in the form of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Wendy's, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, etc or are you looking to build with fruits and vegetables?  Do you want a house made out of mud and straw or do you want the brick and mortar?

Beachbody Challenge
This is my breakfast every day- Click to findout more information
The program you choose to follow in the Beachbody Challenge comes with meal plans set up for you to follow and modify to fit your goals and objectives.  Not to mention Shakeology, that is THE meal replacement drink!  Check ou my review of Shakeology.  I enjoy the chocolate, but there are Greenberry and Tropical Strawberry (Vegan formula) to choose from too.  Tropical is also available in my house, that is my wife's favorite.  This one shake gives you the nutrition needed to keep your body on track during the Beachbody Challenge and after.

Change Your Fitness  

Beachbody Challenge
I love this quote!
I don't care if it is 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes getting up and moving is going to improve your fitness level.  No matter what your current level is there is a program available for you to follow during your Beachbody Challenge.  If your new to fitness, the 10-Minute trainer or Turbo jam might be best for you, Body Gospel is a hit too.  If you are looking to change your routine then insanity, P90X, P90X2 or Les Mills Pump might be more what you are looking for.  You and I can talk and review your goals in order to determine what is the program best suited for your Beachbody Challenge.

Change Your Life

If you didn't watch the video above about the Beachbody Challenge, look at it now, go ahead, I'll wait.  The reason why I joined the Beachbody Company is because they want to HELP.  They want to End the trend of obesity in America, face it we all have a few pounds to lose.  I am not saying we are all obese, I like to consider myself a fat skinny guy.  But getting those pounds off will free up internal space in your body and put less stress on your organs.  That means you can get off medications, feel better and become more healthy.   All beacuse you accepted the Beachbody Challenge.
Beachbody Challenge
Click Here to Join a challange today

The three items I listed are great tools and should be motivation enough, but if it is not the Beachbody Challenge also allows you to win prizes.  That's right, by logging your workouts into the Team beachbody SuperGym you are entered to win money, gifts, appearal.  Who doesn't like FREE stuff for FREE and you get to improve yourself and have fun at the same time?

Every month I have a new Beachbody Challenge group forming, it is small, only 5 people and it is via Facebook.  We start together, finish together and share together, because face it, you are in your own home who is going to make sure you push play on that DVD?  This small group support gives some accountability to yourself and others, the people in my challenges are getting awesome results.

We’ve got the magic formula…Nutrition + Fitness + Small Group Support = Success, because TOGETHER we will change our Health, Fitness and Lives!
Beachbody Challenge
The Magic Formula for Success

Steve Szeszko
Your Beachbody Coach


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