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Friday, May 11, 2012


Shakeology - Why should I?

So you’re curious about Shakeology or you know nothing about it and want to find out more about it. Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’m going to break it down and tell you exactly what it is, I’ll explain what it can do for YOU, I’ll go over the science behind it, and show you some results of REAL people who have used it. Let’s not waste anytime so let’s get started!

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What Is It?

Shakeology is a great meal replacement shake.  I have tried the others, and this one is great because it allows me to create my own variations.  Not only does it comes in three (3) flavors, Greenberry, Chocolate and Tropical Strawberry which is a vegan formula, but it also comes with recipe cards so you can change up the flavor profile every day.   Shakeology can be ordered separate or as part of one of the Beachbody Challenge packs, I talked about the Beachbody Challenge in a previous blog post.

There is a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee which means if your not completely satisfied and noticed changes in that short period of time, they will refund you the money back regardless of how much is left in the bag.

What's In It For Me?

Shakeology is not a cheap product so I wasn’t sure if it was worth the $4 per day price tag. The first thing I decided to do was to find out exactly what this stuff can supposedly do for me. I found that this is what it’s supposed to help people with-
  • Lose weight
  • Reduce food cravings
  • Improve your stamina
  • Increase your energy
  • Improve regularity and digestion
  • Lower cholesterol
Pretty bold claims, eh? For a product that is supposed to help people with all of those different issues, it would really need to have some high quality ingredients in it. So I dug deeper and I looked at exactly what’s inside of Shakeology. 

To quickly sum up my analysis, it is loaded with antioxidants, probiotics AND prebiotics, vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, digestive enzymes, protein, and lots more with only about 150 calories per serving. It is 100% all natural (no chemicals, no preservatives, etc.), and it’s gluten free, caffeine free. It has over 70 very high quality ingredients that literally come from all around the world. I was quite frankly blown away at what’s inside of this stuff.

So I tried it....

That's My Shakeology!
I ordered the chocolate Shakeolgy on Home Direct or HD as they call it, so that I could save the $10 on shipping.  Being I have a busy schedule I usually miss out on lunch or breakfast, so I knew this would help in replacing one of those meals.  I started with lunch, not a good idea.  I was not able to change up the flavors and it was not what I needed to get me through the day.  So,. I moved it to breakfast and it is GREAT!  After my morning workout, I am looking for something to replenish, normally it is chocolate milk and a banana, so the Shakeology fit right in.  Quick little blend, pour into my cup and it is a to go meal.

Science - Really?

The claim on the commercial and website is that Shakeology is founded on Super Foods and Science.  So I dug into what is a Super Food and what Science is behind all this magic.  Hundreds of Medical Doctors from numerous different specialties had endorsed it highly (including the co-inventor of the Artificial Heart, as well as other well-renowned medical experts). After I found that it beats out many other nutritional shakes in the vitamins and minerals, I determined that it doesn’t just stop there….it has all sorts of additional benefits and ingredients that their competition doesn’t come close to having….these include:

Probiotics – These are living enzymes that help with your digestion process. I’d already started supplementing my diet with them, and was amazed to find them in Shakeology.
So Much More!
Super Foods – The co-creator of Shakeology traveled all around numerous indigenous countries to locate super foods in different regions of the world. They import them and add them to the mix.

Wheatgrass- Everyone’s learning about the benefits of super foods and wheatgrass….and both of these are in this shake…it astounded me to see it.

Prebiotics – At this point, I was already sold, especially after hearing from the doctors and learning about everything that’s in Shakeology that’s not in other shakes, but yes, it’s also got Prebiotics in it! Good stuff!!

I also found out that it doesn’t have a bunch of filler, crud and processed bunk in it that is in many other shakes. The ingredients you want in it, are the ingredients that are in there. That’s it, no more, no less.

Show Me The Money!

Now I have been drinking Shakeology and I have found it is a great tool in doing everything it claims.  I found if I don't drink it, then my energy level is down, my cravings for sweets is gone, not that it had been big to begin with.  And that I have dropped alot more weight than usual when I am just working out and not drinking Shakeology.  I also put on some muscle poundage and can see it is filling me with what I need.  Here are some other Shakeology testimonials:

There is a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee which means if your not completely satisfied and noticed changes in that short period of time, they will refund you the money back regardless of how much is left in the bag.

But WAIT! What if I Don’t See Any Results, or I Don’t Like Shakeology, Etc.

No problemo! The company behind Shakeology is called Beachbody (the makers of the P90X workout), and they have a Bottom of the Bag Guarantee. What that means is that you can return it within the first 30 days and get your money back (less s&h) even if the bag is empty! To make a return, simply call Beachbody’s Customer Service team (Beachbody is rated “A” by the Better Business Bureau®).

So after using it if you don’t feel amazing, healthier, more energized, etc. you won’t pay a dime! There is literally nothing to lose to try Shakeology! Order now!

Still Not Sure About Shakeology? Watch This!

Lastly, by ordering Shakeology through this blog, you will get me as your personal Beachbody Coach (the best Beachbody Coach there is :-) )! I want to see you accomplish all of your fitness and health goals. I will be a valuable free resource during your fitness and health journey. Don’t wait another second…order Shakeology now!

Steve Szeszko
Your Beachbody Coach

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