Feel free to look into my window

Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where did it go?

Where did it go is a popular phrase in the house latley. Where is my iPod, where are my ear buds, shirt, shoes, the day, where did it go? Seems like we are getting busier and busier everyday and the time is flying by. Seems like I just started the P90X2 routine and 30 days is gone, where did that time go? Now it is the day I need to check on progress and get ready for round two. Not too happy about the check on progress, because while I feel better and think my clothes are fitting alittle on the loose side, this is when the numbers tell the actual story. Wish me luck!

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