Feel free to look into my window

Everyone has windows, some are open and some are closed. I decided to open a window of my life so that you can come in and see what I am thinking, doing, feeling. Please take some time to see what is going on and comment if you feel the need.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Time to Run Again

Quick update on what has been happening and where I want to take this blog. 

Beachbody Coach Opportunity
This is a great opportunity, message me if you want information
First, after finishing P90X, insanity and P90X2 I decided to become a Beachbody coach, you can see me at http://beachbodycoach.com/Szeszko,  I did this because not only do I enjoy the workouts, but I enjoy helping others and working out with them.  Nothing like doing a day of insanity with someone and them having difficulty and then a week later seeing them go through and pushing through the barrier they were not able to before. 

WP Greet Box iconThanks for visiting! Make sure to sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody Account to get support, to help keep you motivated, and to gain access to free tools to keep you on track with your fitness & health goals!

Second, I finished my ISSA Certification and am now a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, and Exercise Therapist. That will allow me to help even more people, which I am really excited about.

This is MY breakfast EVERY morning
Third, I finished my round of P90X2 and it was amazing.  Lost inches and gained muscle, which is what is needed.  Loving the Shakeology drink and seeing it as a main part of my day now.

Now it is time to figure out what is next, we will be moving to Delaware in about 30 days, so picking up a Beachbody Program, while it would help, I will not br able to complete it before the movers come, so running it is.  Today I hit the trail for the first time in while and it was a surprise how much the Beachbody cardio help me maintain, but not where I had left off.  So it is going to be a quick stint to get back into the running form I was in before, but the journey has begun...the first step was taken this morning.

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